Accepted daily Recycling

  • Monday - Friday: 6:30AM - 3:00PM

    Phone number: 847-639-2700 x6

    • Cardboard

    • Plastic bottles (Labeled #1-7)

    • Aluminum, tin, clean food cans

    • Children’s books

    • Flags

    • Eyeglasses and hearing aids

    • Children's Books

    • Newspaper and Magazines

    • Clothes and Shoes

    • Styrofoam (Accepted on behalf of the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County)

    • Small Electronics (DVD players, VCRs, Blenders, Microwaves, Radios, Cell Phones, etc.) NO TVs, Flat Screens and NO Monitors

    Tires for a Charge:

    Effective July 1, 2022, tire recycling fees have increased. There will be a $10.00 surcharge per tire if the rims need to be removed by the Road District.

    Small Tires: $5.00/each

    Car Tires: $10.00/each

    Truck Tires: $20.00/each

    Tires Other: $45.00/each


Never Accepted Recycling

  • Please use an alternative recycling location for the following items:

    • Treated Lumber, 2x4s, or any kind of construction or demolition debris

    • Refrigerators, freezers, all large household appliances

    • Fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent tubes, or light bulbs,

    • Mattresses and Furniture

    • Propane Tanks

    • ALL Household Batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, etc.)

    Hazardous Household Items including:

    • Thermostats, thermometers, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors

    • All aerosol products (spray paint, hair spray, etc.)

    • Antifreeze, gas, brake fluid, etc.

    • Drain cleaners, household cleaners

    • Driveway sealers, deck sealers and cleaners, paint removers

    • Fertilizer, herbicide, pesticide, insecticide

    • Solvents: Mineral spirits, kerosene, thinners, sealers

    • Varnishes, sealers, oil-based paint

    • Pool chemicals

    • Personal care products

    • Cosmetics, shampoos, nail polish, etc.

    • Medical waste, sharps/needles

    • Medications: Over-the-counter and prescription (people and pet) or DEA controlled substances (DEA site or call 312-353-7875)


monthly specalized reycling

  • Specialized Recycling is open to ALL Algonquin Township Residents. Want to know if you live the in the Township? Click Here to view our interactive map.

    Accepted Items:

    • One (1) TV, flat screen or computer monitor per Algonquin Township household per event with proof of Algonquin Township residency

    • Small kitchen appliances and household electronics

    • Used motor and cooking oil

    • Car and Marine Batteries


    Effective 01/01/2025, tire recycling fees have waived for residents. There will be a $10.00 surcharge per tire if the rims need to be removed by the Road District.

    Paint brought to you by, EarthPaint (APRIL-OCTOBER ONLY):

    EarthPaint’s paint recycling fees:

    Please call for the cost for both latex, water and oil based paint and stains.


Alternative Recycling Locations and Additional Resources: